Kamis, 06 Desember 2012

Seminar n Expo "BUZZ!!!" IPB

follow me : @davianadaffy
my shop: @theduffstuffs
the event: @buzzexom
Whoooahhhh.. I really surprised n very nervous to attend this event!! for the first time, I was a guest speaker at the Young Entrepreneurship's Seminar. hihihi speechless :")
Common come and join, see you there IPB-ers n the others! \;)/

I'll describe U how a great that event. After I spoke a few minutes, then talkshow with the audiences and the others speakers too, my Hijabers Friend did the Fashion Show that shows a collection of my products. Check this out! \;)/
@aischa_maulany and @tarimentaritari

@mirasyarief and @frbening

@nurainialidrus and @marettaanjani


@aischa_maulany , me @davianadaffy and @tarimentaritari

a lil surpriseeeeee!! a bucket of pink rose flower hihihi looove it! :*

@aischa_maulany , me @davianadaffy and @tarimentaritari

like in a dream! but comes true, Alhamdulillah :)

me and the beautiful models :)

with the crew of @buzzexom :)
Photos by Lycan Art Project : https://www.facebook.com/lycanartproject?fref=ts

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